Make a difference in the lives of children and families in Delaware!

NCCHS relies on community support by way of in-kind or monetary donations and volunteer services to provide excellence in early childhood education and support services for children and their families each year.
Less than 70% of our funding comes from the Federal Department of Health and Social Services. The remaining funding must be secured through state and local resources, community partners, and private donors.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. NCCHS is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
In-Kind Donations of Goods and Services

NCCHS relies on donations of goods, such as classroom supplies, including crayons, construction paper, copy paper, and paper products, and services, such as transportation, printing, landscaping, and contractor services, by generous individual, corporate, and community donors. Contact us for more information.
Individual Donors
Donations may be made directly by check to New Castle County Head Start, Inc. or by direct designation through the United Way of Delaware. Please use United Way of Delaware Agency code #439 or United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Agency Code #10608.
Corporate and Community Donors

Corporate and community donors provide critical funding support for NCCHS. Past donations were used to purchase playground equipment and much-needed educational supplies. Contact us for more information.
Volunteers play a critical role at NCCHS. From classroom activities to individual student support, there are countless ways for parents and community members to get involved and make a difference in the lives of many in our community.
We invite community members and organizations to get involved, including serving on the volunteer Board of Directors. For more details on volunteer opportunities, please contact us.